In Wild West Exodus, two players take control of blazing gunfighters, supernatural warriors, mighty machines and devious commanders and pit them against each other in a thrilling encounter across the frontier and beyond. The player who destroys all of their opponent's models or achieves their adventure objectives wins the game. Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment. However, humanity’s greed and ambition have created a Dystopian Age where nations clash and the threat of war forever lingers. We must remember that all is not lost. In Wild West Exodus the bravery and actions of individuals on the frontier can still forge legends and change the world.

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The frontier of the Union of Federated States is a wild and often lawless place. Ideal for outlaws, renegades and zealots to prey on the locals. Now a force led by the morally bankrupt Enlightened scientist Gustave Eiffel has arrived in the town of Retribution. The mayor sends out a call for aid and is overjoyed to find that the hero of the Union, Nikolai Tesla is in the area. But as the Union forces pull into Retribution it becomes clear that this is no coincidence and all has unfolded to Eiffel's plans for vengeance. The stage is set for an epic showdown in Retribution between these two rivals.<br /><br />Get into the new edition of Wild West Exodus with Showdown at Retribution - a two-player starter set designed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the savage Wild West in the Dystopian Age. Containing dozens of fantastically detailed Warcradle miniatures, the full third edition rulebook, quick start guide to help you get going straight away and much more - this hefty boxed set is an easy way to explore the game and start your hobby adventure.
To the common man, the Covenant of the Enlightened are little more than an exclusive club of intellectuals and aristocrats who sit in grand drawing rooms talking much and doing little. While the Covenant are at great pains to show that the reality is far removed from this, it must be acknowledged that there are some groups within the Enlightened who more closely resemble this stereotype than they would like to admit. One such group of these is the Hook and Ladder Club in New York City, so named due to their premises being located in a building that was originally destined for the nascent Fire Department. The club members specialise in the emergent field of parapsychology, a subject that the common man might call supernatural.
Desperate times call for desperate measures and Abraham Lincoln believes that the times of the Dystopian Age are desperate indeed. Faking his own assassination in order to work unhindered by the demands of office, Director Lincoln now fights against the Union’s enemies alongside those men and women trusted enough to join his Secret Service. Lincoln and his agents wage a war in the shadows, defending their beloved country from threats that the general public must have no knowledge about. Whatever it takes so that the good folk of the Union of Federated States can sleep soundly in their beds.  With the assistance of his right-hand man Robert Pinkerton, his top agents Lucinda Loveless and Camilla Blanche, Henry Courtwright, Leah Kingston and Milo Jefferson, Lincoln has the tools he needs to tackle any situation.
With the constantly growing threat from unknown quarters in the West the small unit known as Infernal Affairs have found themselves in high demand of late. Led by the indomitable Marshall Helena Miller this Posse are used to fighting, and defeating, the most unusual and terrifying opponents to Law and Order. Backed up by Furio Montoya, Jedrick Powell, Mercury Jones, Ida Saxon and Blackhoof 20-20, Marshall Miller tackles those missions that nobody else wants or is likely to come back from alive.
Born under the Raj in Delhi, Rani Nimue had a turbulent childhood. Her English-born father worked for the diplomatic service and moved across the country to wherever Her Majesty required him, his wife and only child dutifully following. At the height of the Indian Mutiny, Rani’s mother was killed and her father was faced with the difficult task of raising his daughter alone. Seeing to it that she was educated by a succession of governesses and tutors, her father proudly saw her grow into a beautiful and fiercely intelligent woman. Rani secretly harboured a wanderlust and restlessness that, added to the stifling restrictions of Victorian society brewed within her until she was fit to either explode or run away and leave it all behind. Eventually her love for the swaggering Outlaw Broad Arrow Jack, after a chance encounter in the Port of Bombay, twisted her father’s pride to shame when, at the age of sixteen, she ran away with the pirate and was not heard from again for nearly a decade.
<p>Since Armstrong Custer's famous charge leading the Michigan Wolverine's at Gettysburg, the Iron Horse has become a ubiquitous machine across the frontier. Their combination of speed, firepower and durability led to a massive Union contract with the Covenant of the Enlightened during the Ore War, replacing flesh and blood horses in all cavalry regiments. Now more than a decade later, Iron Horses have become easy to obtain, with Union surplus and frontline shipments making their way onto the black market in vast numbers and the machinery itself proving to be simple to maintain with spare-parts in abundance. While older marks and models of Iron Horse prove to be a little on the temperamental side, the Iron Horse's popularity and variety of designs can be found in use across the Union and beyond.</p><p>The Blazer was first used by the Confederate Army during the Battle at Gaine's Mill. The Iron Horse was still in limited service in those early days of the Ore War, but already its endurance and potential were obvious. Twenty-six Iron Horses were heavily modified in the field to mount additional gatling guns and armour plating to shield their riders from the huge attention of enemy fire they would receive once they began their attack. With General John Bell Hood on the lead Blazer, the Confederates tore a bloody hole in the two-mile-long Union flank and the day was carried, despite massive casualties on both sides in the 50,000 soldiers that fought that day. By the time of Gettysburg, both sides had units of Blazers fighting alongside their Iron Horse Cavalry and Blackhooves.</p><p>Uniquely found in the Union arsenal, the Iron Eagle is seen by many as the pinnacle of technological evolution for the Iron Horse. More than the replacement of the RJ engine with a voltaic power plant, the Iron Eagle boasts additional armor and electro-weaponry. As the ultimate statement that the Iron Eagle represented the future of Union military prowess, Nikolai Tesla incorporated specially programmed UR-31E Automata to pilot these new machines, giving them a resilience unmatched in the field by other cavalry.</p>
Associate members of the Covenant of the Enlightened do not enjoy the respect or prestige that Covenant Peers do, but they are often the ones who do most of the leg work. In order to be officially recognised as an associate of a Peer, an individual will have to put in hours of thankless research and errand running for their sponsoring Peer. Of course like all who are drawn to the Enlightened, being in possession of a keen mind and a drive to push the boundaries of human understanding is a prerequisite. But associates often lack the opportunity or financial means to secure an actual Peerage in the Covenant.<p>Girauld Eres was one such associate, a Parisian naturalist who had developed into a minor celebrity as he toured Paris society with his collection of primates. Girauld's real passion lay in animal physiology and his personal menagerie was home to some impressive specimens. Showing a talent for specimen capture, he was approached by Warwick Hudson and earned a sponsorship into the Covenant as an associate following his collaboration on the spectral containment technology with Hudson and Katherine Holst.</p>
Mr Ears
Monstrous and volatile, the Hex Beasts are not only common amongst the forces of the Hex but may also appear in other forces should tainted units fall to their corruption and transform.
Salvaged by the crew of HMS Nautilus from an Enlightened vessel adrift in the Mediterranean, Drum was discovered in a shipping container marked as 'Aberrant Technology' - likely to be examined and disassembled. This large Automata was apparently built for mechanised labour but Erasmus Darwin made the contraption his own personal project, tinkering for hours on end. He envisaged the machine being used by the Nautilus to operate in the deepest parts of the oceans where no human can travel safely, let alone explore or recover wreckage. After several weeks, Darwin managed to coax the temperamental machine back to full operational capacity albeit with more than a handful of glitches. His barrel-like carapace earned him the nickname of 'Drum' and it was clear that he exhibited a sense of self-awareness that Erasmus and the other engineers had never seen in any Automata before. Fascinated as to the nature of this 'personality', Captain Nimue offered the Automata the opportunity to join her crew. Surprised at being treated like a human, Drum paused momentarily before enthusiastically choosing to stay and make the Nautilus his home.
Wild West Exodus is a dynamic, fast-paced tabletop miniatures game pitting a cast of heroic characters against each other in a brutal world - very much a twisted reflection of our own. In the twilight years of the Nineteenth Century, mankind is perched upon a new age of discovery and enlightenment. The Wild West Exodus Rules &amp; Gubbins Set contains all the tools you need to play. Just grab this box and your favourite Posse (or two) and you are ready to start clashing against your opponents in the West.
Nikolai Tesla is not a man to stand still. He is forever moving forward, tinkering with his designs and dreaming up new and ever more challenging projects. The UR-31E is one such progression from the UR-31 Automata, a design that became ubiquitous to replace lost manpower after the Ore War. These so-called 'Teslabots' are hard-wired with either ranged offensive instructions or more defensive, close order ones depending on their equipment loadout. The offensive units are armed with electrocarbines and can disable or even kill enemies with their highly charged weapons. The guard variants are instead equipped with arc-shields and electro batons.
Augmentation to overcome injury or disability was the goal of the Covenant of the Enlightened when they first began to experiment with grafting mechanisms to flesh. The power source known as RJ-1027 enabled the Covenant to take this intention to an extreme with more audacious and extensive modifications being possible. In the hands of a master of this art, it truly allows individuals to be elevated to super-human levels of physical conditioning. For everyone not so fortunate, this has led to the development of people termed as 'constructs'. Gradual RJ-1027 leakage into their bloodstream, along with the trauma of their surgical augmentation has left the vulnerable transformed into something less than human. But everything has a purpose in the Covenant's technocratic future and constructs have a wide variety of menial or military applications throughout the Enlightened's activities.
One of the most exciting and dynamic elements of Wild West Exodus and Lost World Exodus is the interplay between the Action and the Adventure card decks. This set contains a complete 60 card Adventure deck and a full 48 card Action deck.
Welcome to an alternate 1870s where the heroism and hubris of humanity in this era of steam and steel have unlocked secrets that the world was unprepared for, as super-science and alien technologies bring about an exciting and unpredictable age. The Dystopian Age.
Fight the battles of Wild West Exodus with these superb dice and Fortune chips. This set includes four special ten-sided dice for use with Wild West Exodus. Each die features their Critical Success and Critical Failure values with easily recognisable symbols. The stack of ten Fortune chips will let you easily keep track during your games as you tempt fate and push your luck by bending your Fortune to your will.