
  • LEADER: She-Hulk
  • Angela
  • Black Cat
  • Black Widow
  • Black Widow, Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D
  • Captain Marvel
  • Crystal
  • Domino
  • Gamora
  • Medusa
  • Okoye
  • Scarlet Witch
  • Shuri
  • Storm
  • Valkyrie
  • Wasp
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Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and infamous for her heartless scheming in order to get whatever she desires. Able to enact powerful charms, the Enchantress is able to bend even the strongest resolve to her will. Firstborn of Odin and Freyja, Angela was kidnapped by Heven during the war between Heven and Asgard. Thought dead by her parents, Angela was raised and trained to be one of Heven's deadliest hunters and warriors. Having learned of her true parentage, Angela cast aside her loyalty to Heven and to Odin, choosing to serve no master but her own conscience. She now travels the cosmos fighting against any evil which dares crosses her path, both alongside her brother Thor, and as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
A good man with a criminal past, when Scott Lang broke into the home of the original Ant-Man Hank Pym and made off with Pym?s Ant-Man suit, Lang inadvertantly began down a path that would ultimately see him become one of the world?s foremost heroes. Able to shrink to microscopic sizes thanks to Hank Pym?s signature Pym Particles, Lang is also able to communicate with ants and other insects via the specially designed helmet of the Ant-Man suit. Evil-doers everywhere have plenty of reason to fear the tiny, yet mighty Ant-Man! A founding member of the Avengers, Janet Van Dyne has earned her place among the ranks of the world?s most beloved and celebrated heroes as the Wasp. Like Ant-Man, Janet is able to alter her size thanks to command over Pym Particles, and also has the ability to generare bio-electric blasts that debilitate and sting her foes, while the wings of her specially designed suit allow her to deftly evade and attack her enemies with ease.
Scott Summers is Cyclops, the first member of the mutant team the X-Men. Summers? mutant power causes him to produce beams of optic force from his eyes. Unable to control these beams, Cyclops must wear protective ruby lenses to shield others from his mutant ability. As the field leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is a master tactician and skilled combatant who never stops fighting for equality between mutants and humankind. Ororo Munroe descends from a long line of witch-priestesses. Once worshiped as a goddess of the storm, she is a mutant with the ability to control the weather, able to produce hurricane winds, and summon lightning at a whim. After a chance encounter with Professor Xavier, Munroe joined his task force, the X-Men. As a member of the X-Men, she is Storm, a capable leader and one of the most powerful mutants in existence.
With only a bow, a quiver of arrows, and enough self-confidence to rival anyone, Clint Barton has proven himself to truly be one of Earths Mightiest Heroes.Trusted by some and feared by most, Natasha Romanoff strives to make up for the bad she has done in the past by helping the world, even if that means getting her hands dirty in the process.
Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk. After an attempt on her life left her in critical condition, a blood transfusion from Banner infus?d her with gamma irradiation and transformed her into the savage and sensational She-Hulk. While she gained much of the superhuman strength of the Hulk, Walters retains her sharp wit and honed sense of justice when she transforms, becoming a less inhibited version of herself. She rarely sees the need to return to her original self, preferring instead to fight crime with her immense strength and durability.
Shuri , sister to TChalla, the Black Panther has proven herself a hero through her innate genius and fierce dedication to her people. With her spirited personality and intellectual prowess, Shuri has become the top innovator and inventor within the technologically advanced nation of Wakanda, and she puts her innovations to good use to defend her home and its people by whatever means necessary. One of Wakanda?s greatest warriors, Okoye proudly protects her country?s king and his family alongside the Dora Milaje, Wakanda?s elite royal guard. As wise as she is deadly, Okoye stands as one of T?Challa?s most trusted allies and companions.
Angela and Enchantress (CP28)

Amora the Enchantress has devoted her immortal life to the pursuit of power. One of the most powerful magic-wielders in Asgard, Amora is well known for her immense beauty and infamous for her heartless scheming in order to get whatever she desires. Able to enact powerful charms, the Enchantress is able to bend even the strongest resolve to her will. Firstborn of Odin and Freyja, Angela was kidnapped by Heven during the war between Heven and Asgard. Thought dead by her parents, Angela was raised and trained to be one of Heven's deadliest hunters and warriors. Having learned of her true parentage, Angela cast aside her loyalty to Heven and to Odin, choosing to serve no master but her own conscience. She now travels the cosmos fighting against any evil which dares crosses her path, both alongside her brother Thor, and as part of the Guardians of the Galaxy.
Ant-Man and Wasp (CP26)

A good man with a criminal past, when Scott Lang broke into the home of the original Ant-Man Hank Pym and made off with Pym?s Ant-Man suit, Lang inadvertantly began down a path that would ultimately see him become one of the world?s foremost heroes. Able to shrink to microscopic sizes thanks to Hank Pym?s signature Pym Particles, Lang is also able to communicate with ants and other insects via the specially designed helmet of the Ant-Man suit. Evil-doers everywhere have plenty of reason to fear the tiny, yet mighty Ant-Man! A founding member of the Avengers, Janet Van Dyne has earned her place among the ranks of the world?s most beloved and celebrated heroes as the Wasp. Like Ant-Man, Janet is able to alter her size thanks to command over Pym Particles, and also has the ability to generare bio-electric blasts that debilitate and sting her foes, while the wings of her specially designed suit allow her to deftly evade and attack her enemies with ease.
Cyclops and Storm (CP41)

Scott Summers is Cyclops, the first member of the mutant team the X-Men. Summers? mutant power causes him to produce beams of optic force from his eyes. Unable to control these beams, Cyclops must wear protective ruby lenses to shield others from his mutant ability. As the field leader of the X-Men, Cyclops is a master tactician and skilled combatant who never stops fighting for equality between mutants and humankind. Ororo Munroe descends from a long line of witch-priestesses. Once worshiped as a goddess of the storm, she is a mutant with the ability to control the weather, able to produce hurricane winds, and summon lightning at a whim. After a chance encounter with Professor Xavier, Munroe joined his task force, the X-Men. As a member of the X-Men, she is Storm, a capable leader and one of the most powerful mutants in existence.
Hawkeye and Black Widow (CP24)

With only a bow, a quiver of arrows, and enough self-confidence to rival anyone, Clint Barton has proven himself to truly be one of Earths Mightiest Heroes.Trusted by some and feared by most, Natasha Romanoff strives to make up for the bad she has done in the past by helping the world, even if that means getting her hands dirty in the process.
She-Hulk (CP39)

Jennifer Walters is the cousin of Bruce Banner, the Hulk. After an attempt on her life left her in critical condition, a blood transfusion from Banner infus?d her with gamma irradiation and transformed her into the savage and sensational She-Hulk. While she gained much of the superhuman strength of the Hulk, Walters retains her sharp wit and honed sense of justice when she transforms, becoming a less inhibited version of herself. She rarely sees the need to return to her original self, preferring instead to fight crime with her immense strength and durability.
Shuri And Okoye (CP08)

Shuri , sister to TChalla, the Black Panther has proven herself a hero through her innate genius and fierce dedication to her people. With her spirited personality and intellectual prowess, Shuri has become the top innovator and inventor within the technologically advanced nation of Wakanda, and she puts her innovations to good use to defend her home and its people by whatever means necessary. One of Wakanda?s greatest warriors, Okoye proudly protects her country?s king and his family alongside the Dora Milaje, Wakanda?s elite royal guard. As wise as she is deadly, Okoye stands as one of T?Challa?s most trusted allies and companions.
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