The difference between East and West is also a dispute over what dragons are. In the Far East, it is believed that they are wise and good beings who help people. They are also supposed to bring good luck. In the West, dragons are dangerous monsters eating people and burning property. Sometimes the dragon is actually the Herald of the Apocalypse. However, the world is one, so Q Workshop dragon dice are to reconcile and not divide. Thanks to that they designed universal dragon dice, dedicated to all these majestic creatures.

After reading the whole canon of the “Dragonology”, you can see clearly: dragons are wise creatures that can be good, bad or neutral like people and characters in an RPG. These sets could not be made of any other raw material than the one obtained from the lands marked on the ancient maps as HIC SUNT DRACONES. Q Workshop will not tell you where they got such great material, but thanks to it, these engraved dice will last for years. Like the dragon scales, they will also be beautiful and amaze for a long time. It should also be mentioned that the dragons dice are produced almost from the very beginning of Q WORKSHOP history and today the latest series have no equal on the market.
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