Ulaya is teaming with dangerous wildlife. The years after The Event saw a massive extinction event, where much of the world's flora and fauna were killed off by the changing conditions. However, a new, verdant world has emerged: A hot, humid world perfectly suited to many of the resurrected and genetically engineered species created by the Pre-Event civilisation. The descendants of those survivors now dominate the landscape, and are feared by all. And yet, some beasts, however ferocious can be tamed...
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This box contains two Magnosors and one Magnosor Alpha. Magnosors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC "AI Controlled" models using the rules and cards in the Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island boxed set. Additionally they can be used in Ulaya Chronicles: Raptor Claw Island to replace the standees provided.

These beautiful feathered beasts replace the standees in Ulaya Chronicles, and can also be used with any faction in The Drowned Earth!

Deadly little pack predators, the Troodons are one of the smaller, but most feared Raptor species in Ulaya. Their uncanny ability to hug cover and avoid incoming fire, and their vicious bite all add up to an excellent attack-dino, favoured by aggressive Crews like the Bondsmen, but also commonly used as guard-raptors on Artefacter dig sites.
Troodons (2)

Oviraptors are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
Oviraptors (2)

Domeheads are faction neutral, and so can be used with any other factions, or as NPC models in certain scenarios or using the Alternate Rules found in the hard copy of The Drowned Earth Rule Book.
Domeheads (2)