The master of her own ship and crew, the self-styled Captain Nimue has earned a substantial bounty on her head for the audacious theft from the Barrow Shipyards of a prototype Morgana class submersible. Nimue has rapidly built a notoriety for using the stolen submarine, which she had christened ‘The Nautilus’, to make lightning raids on European shipping. While this brought down the ire of the Crown and their allies, her exotic looks, and penny-dreadful fuelled reputation made her popular with the press and the public.
In her apparent obsession with obtaining antiquities from across the globe, Nimue became aware of the Shadow War as the various forces in play often competed with her for artefacts and arcanum that she liberated from tombs and museums with equal ardour.
After realising that she is the reincarnation of the Lady of the Lake after undergoing regression therapy at the hands of Nathanial Lazerus, Rani Nimue’s quest to uncover relics of bygone eras has increased almost to the point of mania. How far into madness will her loyal crew follow her?

Born under the Raj in Delhi, Rani Nimue had a turbulent childhood. Her English-born father worked for the diplomatic service and moved across the country to wherever Her Majesty required him, his wife and only child dutifully following. At the height of the Indian Mutiny, Rani’s mother was killed and her father was faced with the difficult task of raising his daughter alone. Seeing to it that she was educated by a succession of governesses and tutors, her father proudly saw her grow into a beautiful and fiercely intelligent woman. Rani secretly harboured a wanderlust and restlessness that, added to the stifling restrictions of Victorian society brewed within her until she was fit to either explode or run away and leave it all behind. Eventually her love for the swaggering Outlaw Broad Arrow Jack, after a chance encounter in the Port of Bombay, twisted her father’s pride to shame when, at the age of sixteen, she ran away with the pirate and was not heard from again for nearly a decade.

Salvaged by the crew of HMS Nautilus from an Enlightened vessel adrift in the Mediterranean, Drum was discovered in a shipping container marked as 'Aberrant Technology' - likely to be examined and disassembled. This large Automata was apparently built for mechanised labour but Erasmus Darwin made the contraption his own personal project, tinkering for hours on end. He envisaged the machine being used by the Nautilus to operate in the deepest parts of the oceans where no human can travel safely, let alone explore or recover wreckage. After several weeks, Darwin managed to coax the temperamental machine back to full operational capacity albeit with more than a handful of glitches. His barrel-like carapace earned him the nickname of 'Drum' and it was clear that he exhibited a sense of self-awareness that Erasmus and the other engineers had never seen in any Automata before. Fascinated as to the nature of this 'personality', Captain Nimue offered the Automata the opportunity to join her crew. Surprised at being treated like a human, Drum paused momentarily before enthusiastically choosing to stay and make the Nautilus his home.