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In The Others, the world stands on the brink of apocalypse, as the fanatics of the Hell Club have summoned the 7 Deadly Sins to lay waste to our reality. Slowly the Others have creeped into our lives, corrupting society from within.
Felskar's groundbreaking industrial techniques have made Linemen repulsion armor the most advanced currently in mass-production. As such, Lineman Defenders possess solid physical and magical protection beyond any other nation's current capabilities. A rank of Lineman Defenders can blunt even the strongest enemy advance and easily sweep aside lesser troops. Under the leadership of a veteran Lineman Controller, the Defenders' already rigid discipline becomes an unbreakable force of will, able to meet strength with strength, in proper Felskar tradition.
Union workers represent a triumph of technology over magic. Felskar technomancers can transform a subject into a Union Worker in the space of an afternoon. As such, most Union Worker recruits were criminals, made useful to society once again. While resilient, a Union Worker is truly unleashed when wounded, and Union Bosses are adept at inflicting that little bit of motivational pain to keep the unruly Workers pointed at the enemy. As troops, they're inexpensive, numerous, and highly effective: the perfect combination for any commander.
The fluid and alien Sevridans form an elite, hard-hitting strike force. Although not as nimble ashore as their Deepman cousins, a Sivridan gutter in combat is a whirlwind of blades and tenticles. Sivridan Friars, the most respected of all Sivridan, hone thier martial skills night and day, Thier place is on the front line, guiding thier brethren and marking targets by the Deep Voices' will.
Of all the Great Houses of Westeros, there is none more wealthy and ready for war than the Lannisters. Wars are fought with money, and the ability to arm troops with the finest steel and equip them with armor to keep them alive and hacking at the enemy goes a long way over the course of a battle. These soldiers are not the fastest, or even the strongest in the war. What they do have is an incredible level of defense, giving them the ability to wear their opponents down. Wars are won by those with the will to continue fighting.
Some men just relish confrontation. They long to jump into the fray, scrapping with an enemy, seeing them beaten to a pulp. As the battle rages on, they get more and more into a frenzy. Wounds seem to not matter and actually drive their bloodlust further. That's the case with the Umber Berserkers. Once battle is met, it only ends when either they or their enemy are no longer moving.

The Umber Berserkers Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Stark commanders a new unit to add to their ranks. Melee specialists, they're one of the few units in the game that gain attack dice as they take casualties. Adding in the Umber Champion only increases their effectiveness in combat.
The War Stomper is a perfect example of Addanii ingenuity and engineering. Capable of crossing a battlefield at great speed, and armed with a variety of technomantic shields and power generators, the War Stomper gives House Teknes troops an extra edge in a variety of situations.While the Addanii themselves are not physically imposing, one of these diminutive technomancers piloting a War Stomper becomes a force multiplier. When a battle line is properly supported by a War Stomper, enemies can find their weapons ineffective, their magic useless, or even themselves snared in pockets of slightly altered time. Wise commanders that keep a War Stomper in reserve can dispatch one to the hottest trouble spots on the field, just in time to turn the tide.
Felskar maintains its long tradition of intellect over superstition, and none embody this more than the terrifying Zaalak. Once victims of a terrible sorcerous curse, steam-driven control harnesses allow these afflicted children to master the manifesting spirit. Now these apparent immortals wield their alien possessors as weapons. Similarly, the Valkrav Galvanic Order long ago took to taming, training, and enhancing the dog-like sraags, commonly found in the addanii's ancestral mountain home. The current crop of Galvanic Defenders boast superior striking power enhanced by the latest technomantic devices.
Of the many sects within the larger Order of Exalted and Resplendent Battle Magicians, only the Shields of Taelfon have widely embraced technomancy to empower their ordinarily exhausting abilities. In addition to enhanced magical striking power, Shields keep their brethren safe by extending exceptional magical protection over a wide area. From the School of Heavenly Lion come the Hammers of Heaven, each one a veteran Dragon Legionnaire now learned in the Lion Form and outfitted in the Legion's latest battle armor. A Hammer's whirling weighted chain can flay flesh, shatter shields, and crush even the strongest armor.
A deck of high-quality, linen-finish, unit and upgrade cards in a custom tuckbox.
Current Kukulkani unit card deck.
2015 Outcast faction unit card deck.
The Others: 7 Sins (SSN001)
The city of Haven is the key to their invasion, but it will not go down without a fight, thanks to the actions of the paranormal organization known as F.A.I.T.H. (Federal Authority for the Interdiction of Transdimensional Horrors). Each session of The Others is played with one player controlling the forces of a single Sin, against the other players who control a team of 7 FAITH heroes. The heroes cooperate to survive the Sin's attacks and accomplish the missions set before them, while the Sin attempts to thwart the heroes in all ways (preferably by destroying them). The heroes are divided into different classes, each specialized in a different aspect of the game. Leaders are good at helping the other members of the team. Bruisers are excellent melee fighters. Snipers are experts at using guns to put down monsters from a distance. And Fixers have the resourcefulness and knowledge of the occult necessary to resolve supernatural crises that spread through the city. Each hero also has their own stats and unique abilities that set them apart from all others. Knowing when to bring in the right reinforcement can be key to FAITH?s victory. Corruption is one of the main mechanics of the game. It is both a way for the Sin to consume heroes, and a way for heroes to accomplish amazing feats they wouldn?t be capable of normally. Taking corruption grants heroes powerful bonuses (as long as they keep taking corruption), but when they become fully corrupted, their darkest secrets may come back to haunt them and tear the team from within, or their flesh might simply succumb to the sinful influences. The Sins player, on the other hand, has access to the different monsters of each Sin, including Abominations, a Controller, and the terrifying Avatar of Sin! These monsters can attempt to destroy the heroes, or simply hinder their progress on their missions. Each Sin provides the Sins Player with a different deck of Sins cards that can be played at different times to surprise players with different effects, often tied to the strategy of each Sin. Yes, because each Sin taints the game with an overarching mechanic that is always in effect. For example, Pride punishes prideful heroes that venture into the streets on their own, while Sloth punishes heroes who try to move quickly across the board. Heroes will need to learn to deal with the different influence of each Sin, which will always stand between them and their mission. The Sins are also aided by Acolytes, with each session using a different type. These lowly corrupted servants of darkness can fight and stand in the way of heroes, but they also have a once per round special ability that reflects their previous lives. For example, corrupted hobos take equipment from heroes, corrupted nuns corrupt the city districts, and corrupted doctors keep heroes from healing. There are 7 different stories that players can embark on for each session of The Others. Each of them brings different special rules, different dynamics, and a unique system of branching missions the heroes need to accomplish in order to be victorious. There are Terror stories, which are more straightforward, focusing on action and combat; Corruption stories revolve around the Corruption spreading through the city and the heroes themselves; and Redemption stories rely on saving the city and the few innocents that remain. Each story can be played on a different map setup, which further makes the dynamic of each session unique. The board used in The Others is made up of several tiles, each depicting a different city district and different configurations of streets. As the city of Haven still belongs to humanity, and it?s the Sins that are attempting to take it over, the heroes can use it to get different benefits each district offers them. For example, they can go to the hospital to heal wounds, to the museum to get rid of corruption, to the RavenCorp tower to get new equipment, or to the police station to call in an orbital strike. What districts are available on each map, and their location, can greatly change the dynamic of the game. As the game progresses, and depending on how badly the heroes fare against storyline plot twists and developments, the Apocalypse Track will advance, making the Sins gradually stronger and more terrifying. Apocalypse cards, tied to the type of story being played (Terror, Corruption, or Redemption) introduce new twists and challenges to the game, even bringing in the members of the Hell Club themselves! Heroes will die. Either in noble sacrifice, torn apart by claws and tentacles, or consumed by the corruption welling up in their souls. The question is whether the FAITH team will manage to fulfill their final mission in time, or whether the Sins will reign supreme over humanity. Players: 2-5 Time: 90 mins Ages: 14+

In The Others, the world stands on the brink of apocalypse, as the fanatics of the Hell Club have summoned the 7 Deadly Sins to lay waste to our reality. Slowly the Others have creeped into our lives, corrupting society from within.
Teknes Lineman Box (WOK04003)

12 Defender Lineman
2 Lineman Controller
Stat Cards and Bases

Felskar's groundbreaking industrial techniques have made Linemen repulsion armor the most advanced currently in mass-production. As such, Lineman Defenders possess solid physical and magical protection beyond any other nation's current capabilities. A rank of Lineman Defenders can blunt even the strongest enemy advance and easily sweep aside lesser troops. Under the leadership of a veteran Lineman Controller, the Defenders' already rigid discipline becomes an unbreakable force of will, able to meet strength with strength, in proper Felskar tradition.
Teknes Union Box (WOK04002)

12 Union Worker
2 Union Boss
Stat Cards and Bases

Union workers represent a triumph of technology over magic. Felskar technomancers can transform a subject into a Union Worker in the space of an afternoon. As such, most Union Worker recruits were criminals, made useful to society once again. While resilient, a Union Worker is truly unleashed when wounded, and Union Bosses are adept at inflicting that little bit of motivational pain to keep the unruly Workers pointed at the enemy. As troops, they're inexpensive, numerous, and highly effective: the perfect combination for any commander.
Hadross Sevridan Box (WOK02003)

6 Sevridan Gutter
2 Sevridan Friar
Stat cards and bases

The fluid and alien Sevridans form an elite, hard-hitting strike force. Although not as nimble ashore as their Deepman cousins, a Sivridan gutter in combat is a whirlwind of blades and tenticles. Sivridan Friars, the most respected of all Sivridan, hone thier martial skills night and day, Thier place is on the front line, guiding thier brethren and marking targets by the Deep Voices' will.
Lannister Guardsmen (SIF201)
The A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game Lannister Guardsmen unit boxes contain:
12 Lannister guard figures,
1 Guard Captain unit attachment,
1 movement tray,
and all associated unit cards. 

Note: all minis come unpainted

Of all the Great Houses of Westeros, there is none more wealthy and ready for war than the Lannisters. Wars are fought with money, and the ability to arm troops with the finest steel and equip them with armor to keep them alive and hacking at the enemy goes a long way over the course of a battle. These soldiers are not the fastest, or even the strongest in the war. What they do have is an incredible level of defense, giving them the ability to wear their opponents down. Wars are won by those with the will to continue fighting.
Stark Umber Berserkers (SIF103)
Note: All minis come unpainted.

Some men just relish confrontation. They long to jump into the fray, scrapping with an enemy, seeing them beaten to a pulp. As the battle rages on, they get more and more into a frenzy. Wounds seem to not matter and actually drive their bloodlust further. That's the case with the Umber Berserkers. Once battle is met, it only ends when either they or their enemy are no longer moving.

The Umber Berserkers Unit Box for the A Song of Ice and Fire: Tabletop Miniatures Game gives Stark commanders a new unit to add to their ranks. Melee specialists, they're one of the few units in the game that gain attack dice as they take casualties. Adding in the Umber Champion only increases their effectiveness in combat.
Teknes War Stompers Box (WOK04011)

2x War Stompers
Stat Card and Bases

The War Stomper is a perfect example of Addanii ingenuity and engineering. Capable of crossing a battlefield at great speed, and armed with a variety of technomantic shields and power generators, the War Stomper gives House Teknes troops an extra edge in a variety of situations.While the Addanii themselves are not physically imposing, one of these diminutive technomancers piloting a War Stomper becomes a force multiplier. When a battle line is properly supported by a War Stomper, enemies can find their weapons ineffective, their magic useless, or even themselves snared in pockets of slightly altered time. Wise commanders that keep a War Stomper in reserve can dispatch one to the hottest trouble spots on the field, just in time to turn the tide.
Teknes Specialist Box 1 (WOK04006)

1 The Zaalak
1 Galvanic Defender
Stat Cards and Bases

Felskar maintains its long tradition of intellect over superstition, and none embody this more than the terrifying Zaalak. Once victims of a terrible sorcerous curse, steam-driven control harnesses allow these afflicted children to master the manifesting spirit. Now these apparent immortals wield their alien possessors as weapons. Similarly, the Valkrav Galvanic Order long ago took to taming, training, and enhancing the dog-like sraags, commonly found in the addanii's ancestral mountain home. The current crop of Galvanic Defenders boast superior striking power enhanced by the latest technomantic devices.
Shael Han Specialist Box 1 (WOK03006)

1 Hammer of Heaven
1 Shield of Taelfon
Stat Cards and Bases

Of the many sects within the larger Order of Exalted and Resplendent Battle Magicians, only the Shields of Taelfon have widely embraced technomancy to empower their ordinarily exhausting abilities. In addition to enhanced magical striking power, Shields keep their brethren safe by extending exceptional magical protection over a wide area. From the School of Heavenly Lion come the Hammers of Heaven, each one a veteran Dragon Legionnaire now learned in the Lion Form and outfitted in the Legion's latest battle armor. A Hammer's whirling weighted chain can flay flesh, shatter shields, and crush even the strongest armor.
C.O.R.E. 2017 Card Pack (DAG0814)
The custom tuckbox contains: 36 cards - 25 Dark Age unit cards and 11 upgrade cards.

A deck of high-quality, linen-finish, unit and upgrade cards in a custom tuckbox.
Kukulkani 2016 Card Pack (DAG0812)

Current Kukulkani unit card deck.
Outcasts 2015 Card Pack (DAG0810)

2015 Outcast faction unit card deck.
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